Here’s the right way to convert your popular pages

How to Create Sales Pages that Convert [The Best Examples in 2018]

Why do websites want hot traffic more than just traffic?

Having just enough people visiting your webpage or products’ page is not enough. One of the main purposes of directing content towards a targeted audience is to attract probable customers from across the internet.

The probable customers perform a search action with an intention to learn and then make a purchase. They click on your article when Your page becomes their choice for referring to the details of the search. When the readers find it appealing, they wish to avail themselves of your services, and this is where you earn.

Hot traffic refers to that section of your website traffic that increases your customer base. You could be having a huge pool of cold traffic on your website which must be disappointing. In this article, we will discuss the right thing to do if your popular pages are not converting.

Why are your pages not converting?

While the rest of the websites on similar grounds of content, could be competing to attract traffic, you could be having a huge chunk of the traffic but fewer customers. The bouncing of the traffic cuts off your possibility of generating profit. But don’t worry. Your recent popular pages would generate qualified leads in their lifespan.

There is no hard-fast rule to fix the lower conversion rates of your pages. You would have to check for the reader’s behavior to understand what exactly causes them to bounce. Though your content might be extremely quality-driven and relevant to the user intent, the customer’s inclination towards wanting some more perks from your pages could be sending them back. It may so happen that your customers are not finding opportunities to connect better to your website.

How can you attract a conversion?

Higher traffic would definitely help you in ranking higher on the SERPs but to earn revenue, you need to convert them.

1. Provide free materials

A checklist template for your viewer’s summer shopping would attract them beyond the purchasing intent and hence attract them to avail themselves of your services. You need to provide them with free e-books or planners in order to create an identity in their space and develop better opportunities to get a subscriber. Besides making it easy to subscribe, make it more attractive by giving offers and money-back challenges.

2. Offer greater value and relevance

The popularity of your page indicates your quality of the content. But the fact that a larger portion of the traffic is not converting could possibly mean that the audience is not the right target. You need to try different sets of keywords. Besides the keywords, look after the sources you are referring to in the content. News organizations, popular publishing houses, etc could be linked to your page to derive a better audience and enhance your credibility to attract trust.

3. Simplify it for your audience

Make the first step to subscription or creating an account extremely easy. Capture the email through the free materials you provide and later ask them to add more information to their accounts. The convenient it is to subscribe, the more subscribers would appear and hence the possibility of purchasing your services would increase. Provide reviews, testimonials, and logos to help them know that they are not the first ones who are going to try out your services. Make the pop-ups easy to close and less annoying. Provide a live chat box to assist your readers.

4. Make use of the traffic

Put up related content to attract another chunk of the traffic that might increase the temperature of your popular page. You may generate secondary revenue by creating an affiliate page for the same traffic. This might also lead the readers to additional destinations that they might find helpful for their needs.

  1. Take the help of Google Analytics to get information on the reader’s behavior.
  2. Develop a survey and get to know the psychology of your readers.
  3. Deploy trackers to identify the most clicked part of your page and where your readers go after the page viewing.

Maybe the problem actually lies in that section of your website to where they go next.


Above all, Don’t worry or stress much. No matter how disappointing it might be to get lesser converts, remember it is not affecting your page ranking on the SERPs. Google has never been known to devalue your page when someone else’s website outperforms yours. As long as you have value-based content, you have more to offer. If you want your popular page traffic information to be removed from the remaining parts of your website, create a custom segment on Google Analytics and follow the aforementioned steps to amplify the conversion rate.

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