The Right Way To Determine Your Website’s SEO Strength| 4 major areas of SEO performance

A tact that is extremely intrinsic to content strategy is the analysis of the results it yields. The result could be termed with regards to the perks or the boost that the content gives to the webpage. So. to analyze the content performance, one would need to measure certain aspects of the website. 

The Website’s SEO can effectively form the mouthpiece for its strength within and beyond the digital marketing team.

Wondering how? Let me explain.

What would you like to measure? Everything that affects the ranking of your page, right? But you can only measure a limited set of information that dwells solely under your control. 

For big and established companies, the most necessary factors could range from their audience base to their market share and aspects of revenue generation. 

Whereas, for SMBs it could largely rely with brand awareness and profit. In whatever the larger scenario may be, you can only take a decision to alter or add any specific procedure and later access the success of that decision through the metrics. These metrics could be associated with measurable portions including the customer response, the success of the project, and the overall reach.

Remember, there are no ways to determine strength without experimenting and checking the impact of that specific decision.

Learn more about tips to convert your popular pages.

While you can’t go about looking to modulate each of them, there are certain fields of importance that affect your performance in the digital marketing sector. 

Below are 4 major areas that would help you measure and determine your website’s SEO strength. 

1. Website’s SEO Traffic

You need to track the trend and commonality of the traffic that is getting attracted by your page from the SEO sources. You may filter it out, for example, tracking only the Organic traffic on Google, or any other Search engine, or the total organic traffic you receive from various platforms. 

Do not fall for Evaluating the strength of organic traffic in a percentage measurement to your regular traffic. It can generate flaws in your analysis. Why? Because it does not give you a concrete idea of the outcome. Additionally, no software or system can assure an accurate track of organic traffic.

It is wise to check the trend on specific regions of your website like the main page, categorical section, products/ service page, and the blog pages. They would show you the outcome of your efforts. It will help you measure the length to which you could attract traffic and how further you can go. 

2. Position And Ranking of SEO 

The Ranking on SERPs is extremely circumstantial. 

Considering the factors and variables that determine your position on the SERPs, exclusively, might not allow you to accurately gauge your performance and strength. 

From personalization of the page to the numerous search features, contribute collectively to your page position. However, though your website page might seem to be outperforming others for certain specific keywords, yet you could be missing out on the hottest trend. In short, you’re losing the game, and your partial success gives you no advantage.

What you could do to determine your profitable SEO position is to pay attention to the Trend. 

  • Group the keywords in categories and track the performance over a notable span to get an idea of the ranking of the category. 
  • Keep a check on your organic rankings and localized ranking 
  • Track the positions of your page with respect to the keywords used. 

If your position under a specific keyword category stays stable, you could be outperforming others over this category and can apply the same tactic to those areas on your website that lack engagement. 

3. Consumer Engagement Metrics

Talking about consumer engagement, we can not turn blind to the fact that we all have different expectations from our customers across the various pages on our website. While on some pages you want them to spend time, on others you want to funnel the viewers down to a products’ or services’ page. Customer engagement can be measured by determining the viewer’s response on your page. 

You can equip the Analytics tool to check where your customers go after visiting your page, or what features on your page do they principally try, and what are the sections that they go on to explore. The better the knowledge you gather of the buyer persona, the higher is the probability that you end up hitting the right spot.

You could expect your customers to sign up for a lead or to create an account on your page but they might exit the funnel midway to visit something else. Therefore, consumer Engagement is typically dependent on your expectation from the viewers and to which degrees these expectations are fulfilled. 

4. The Leads and Revenue Generated

Revenue generation is one of the chief goals of most web-pages. Their target is associated with achieving sales or producing quality Leads. While the lead tracking could be a little problematic to consider a standard in, you can always classify the lead points generated timely by your content pages. This would also help your SEO to tabulate the trend points and assist you in tracking the performance of future posts.

Additionally, remember that your customers are wiling to invest only if they visualize an association that cares for them or provides a greater return of sorts. Stay in touch and remind them of you! Send them new offers or coupons through e-mails or SMS and track the lead that you are capable of attracting through such efficient communication.


You cannot control your audience’s behavior but you can definitely direct it to your benefit. The first step to attract a profitable click from your audience is by measuring their needs and behavior. Your SEO strength permits you to execute that first step a bit more strategically to eliminate any wastage of your efforts. We hope the article was insightful and helped resolve your query. 

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